Location: San José, Uruguay
Year: 2015
The water intake on the Río de la Plata is intended to supply water necessary for the operation of the combined cycle plant of UTE Puntas del Tigre. The work is carried out in an open pit excavation, located just 50 meters from the Río de la Plata and with more than 20 meters deep, its lower level being 8 meters below the level of the river. The volume of this excavation reaches to 130.000 m3. To ensure the stability of the slopes and keep the excavation free of water (underground, rain and surface runoff), 9.000 m2 of staging boards (up to 20m deep) were driven around the entire perimeter of the excavation. The napa depression and stormwater drainage system is fully automated. The concrete structure is composed of inclined walls (exterior) of 1.30 meters thick at the base and 0.80 meters at its final height, at 16 meters from the floor, slabs that vary between 1.30 and 0.80 meters thick, and partition walls that hang from the interior walls of the same dimensions as the exterior walls but 12 meters high. To make possible the pouring of 6.500 m3 of concrete it was necessary to process and place 760 tons of iron, mostly of large diameters and 10.500 m2 of formwork.