Vía Central Group- Central Railroad
Location: Montevideo - Paso de los Toros, Uruguay.
Year: 2020
The work of the Central Railway, which connects the cities of Paso de los Toros and Montevideo, will be 273 kilometers of railroad, in charge of Vía Central Group.
Lumin - Industrial Warehouse
Location: Tacuarembó, Uruguay.
"Turnkey" project of a new industrial warehouse for production of plywood boards.
ARCC Peru - Schools
Location: Piura, Peru
Year: 2023
Construction of three educational centers for the client ARCC (Authority for Reconstruction with Change) in Peru.
WELL - Residential Buildings
ANEP - Education Infrastructure
Location: Uruguay
Year: 2020
Centers for primary education, centers
technological educational and sports centers.
SUMMUM - New Polyclinic in Diving
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay.
Year: 2023
The new 4,200 m2 polyclinic building is developed on 6 levels with the highest standards of quality and finishes.
Municipality of Montevideo - Bromatological Laboratory
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay.
Year: 2023
A two-story building that will include all the services corresponding to a laboratory that guarantees the food safety of the products marketed at UAM.
CAMEC - Emergency Room
Location: Colonia, Uruguay
Year: 2023
The building will house the hospital's new emergency department, with specific service areas for adults and children, developed on three levels of approximately 900 m2 each.
Conaprole Headquarters - Office Building
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Year: 2023
Rehabilitation of part of the existing building and its expansion.
URUFARMA - Industrial Plant and Office Expansion
Urufarma - Electrical installation of the plant and offices
Location: Canelones, Uruguay
Year: 2022
Supply and assembly of the electrical installation, including lighting and structured cabling for signals at the Urufarma plant.
Ministry of Transportation and Public Works - Route 5
Location: Florida, Uruguay
YEAR: 2023
In consortium with the company Lemiro Pablo Pietroboni S.A., Berkes was awarded the contract for the execution of CREMAF, which aims at the design, construction, rehabilitation, maintenance and financing of the road infrastructure of Ruta Nº5 between progressive 69K000 and 95K200. This work includes a large-scale soil movement together with a civil work that includes culverts, cattle crossings, crosswalks and bridges in the section.
Central Railway Construction Consortium
Location: Montevideo to Paso de los Toros, Uruguay
YEAR: 2019
Along with the companies Saceem, Sacyr and NGE, Berkes is part of the company Grupo Vía Central (, which is in charge of the Central Railway project for the MTOP. This railroad connects the cities of Paso de los Toros and Montevideo along 273 kilometers.
REFOCOSTA - Generation plant
Location: Puerto Carreño, Colombia
Year of ignition: 2021
4.5 MW generation plant.
Conaprole - Biomass boiler
Location: Villa Rodríguez, Uruguay
Year of ignition: 2021
Two biomass boilers 40 ton / h 45 bar.
Dominion Energy
Location: Corrientes, Argentina
Year of ignition: 2020
Boiler capacity 76 ton / h 68 bar 490 ° C.
Cervepar - Boiler
Location: Ypané, Paraguay
Year of ignition: 2020
Boiler pressure 20 ton / h.
Voltalia - Boiler 23ton / h 68 bar 485 ºC
Location: Cacao, Guayana Francesa
Wood chip boiler with capacity for 23ton / h, 68 bar (g), 485 ºC to be installed in a thermal generation plant in French Guiana. The French company Boccard, in partnership with Berkes, is responsible for the construction.